Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Woodland Design

This week we were asked to design a woodland design for a funeral. Just like in previous week, the first thing I did after being told this was to look for inspiration.
After looking at inspiration I decided that I wanted my design to look like a woodland floor. I felt like the design had to be full of texture and the colours I was going to use within the design had to be quite natural and reflect and woodland floor. To help me with this, I took a visit to a local wood and looks at the floor.
Step by Step Journey of Creating the Design
Sketches of potential designs
Materials used
Craspedia               x9
Ranunculus              x7
Tulip Dubbel            x4
Molucella               x1
Dianthus (Green Tric)   x3
Silver Birch            as much as is appropriate
Moss                    as much as is appropriate
Heart oasis frame       x1
The flowers selected are all green and white. The tulips are yellow to brighten the design up. This design will be full of texture. It will be randomly, but strategically arranged to fulfil the desire for the design to resemble a woodland floor.
1.  For this design, I reused a heart posy pad. It makes the design more commercially resource and it was a shame to let a perfectly good frame go to waste. Because it had already been used, I didn’t have to prepare it or trim the edges. The first thing I did was wet the oasis.

2. The second thing I did was, with the silver birch, I began to create the outline of my design. I needed to split the frame into 3 different sections, making sure I didn’t lose the shape of the frame

3. I then began to add the flowers into the middle section. I began with the molucella because it is big and I knew it would cover the oasis well. I then added some of the ranunculus in-between them.

4. It soon became clear, when I started to add more flowers, that my design wasn’t going to work. The way I had placed my flowers made the frame lose its shape, and I didn’t like this. It was then a case of going make to square one and rethinking my design. Taking everything I had discovered I then came up with this design.

5. I kept the silver birch were it was but instead of having one large mass of flowers concentrated in the centre of the design, I decided to place flowers around the whole of the frame, in groups. I could already tell from this stage that this design was going to work much better. The shape of the frame wasn’t lost.

6. I continued to add more flowers along with more silver birch and some fern cones. I grouped the flowers together.

 7. Next I added another dimension to the design with the silver birch. I arched it around one of the arches of the heart to compliment and perhaps highlight the shape. I also added some moss to cover the oasis still showing.

8. I then covered all the oasis still showing with moss and secured it down with mossing pins (German pins), making sure that the pins weren’t visible.

 9. The final thing I did involved some fern cones, twigs and bark I have collected from a recent visit to the woods. I randomly, but strategically placed them onto the design to give more of a woodland feel. I used a hot glue gun and stuck them to the design. I feel that this last little bit, really helps the design look like a woodland floor.

Finished Design
The positive features of the design include:
     ● The positioning of the flowers
     ● The colours that have been used. The colours suit the theme
     ● The texture that is projected from the flowers used
     ● The way the silver birch sits around the design
If I was to do this design again, I feel that the only thing I would do differently would be the shape that I used. I felt the heart shape was challenging as it was hard to keep the shape of it. I am pleased that I chose the heart frame to do as I know that in the future, if I get asked to do this, I will be comfortable in doing it.

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